[Promotion] Welcome to the new school-year of 2018-2019 with healthy smile!
Special Discount 15% off for professional cleanings (scale & prophy), restorative fillings and preventative sealants. Especially 8% for orthodontics. Applied to All Students booking on line and phone call September 05th to September [...]
WORLD ORAL HEALTH DAY – March 20th, 2018
Special Discount – 10% off for professional cleanings (scaling/flossing and prophy), diamond attachment and whitening – 8% off for veneers – 7% off for implants Applied on March 20th to April 20th, 2018 for all online and phone call [...]
Viet Nam Tet Holiday 2018 Promotion
Viet Nam Tet Holiday 2018 Promotion Special Discount:5% off for restorative fillings 8% off for whitening 10% off for professional cleaningsApplied for all online or phone call bookings on January 15th – [...]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018 Promotion
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018 Promotion Special Discount:5% off for restorative fillings 8% off for whitening 10% off for professional cleaningsApplied for all online or phone call bookings on Decenber [...]
Happy international children’s day 1-6
Discount 15% for preventive sealants and professional cleanings for Kids. Applied June 1st to June 20th, 2017 for all online and phonecall bookings.
Happy World Healthy Day 7th April
Discount 15% for professional cleaning (scale and prophy) And 15% for teeth filling to all clients Applied on April 10th to 15th, 2017 for all online and phonecall bookings
World Oral Healthy Day 20-3
Discount 15% for professional cleaning (scale and prophy) and filling Especially, discount 10% for whitening and veeners Applied for all bookings online on March 20-31, 2017